7th Pay Commission Pay revision for Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers and
Non-Teaching Staff – No arrears payment till budget allocation is made –
7th Pay Commission Allowances is not applicable to KV Teachers and
non-teaching staff until further orders
F.11015-3/2017-KVS (Admn-I)/ Vol
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices
Date: 03.08.2017
Sub: -Pay revision of employees-of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in
terms of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay), Rules, 2016-Reg.
I am directed to convey the approval of the competent authority for
the adoption of the revised Pay Scales as per the 7th Central Pay
Commission (CPC) to the employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sarigathan
(both teaching and non teaching) as per the Pay Matrix as contained
in Part- A of the schedule of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay)
Rules, 2016 as well as the principle of pay fixation as contained in the
said rules as notified by Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide
their notification dated 25.07.2016 in respect of Central Government
employees. The post wise details of the revised pay scales are
given in Annexure-I. The following conditions are to be taken care
of while implementing the 7th CPC in KVS :-
a) The revised pay structure shall be admissible to those employees who opt for the same in accordance with the extent Rules.
b) Deductions on account of Provident Fund, Contributory Provident
Fund or National Pension Scheme, as may be applicable, will have to be
made on the basis of the revised pay w.e.f. the date an employee opts to
elect the revised pay structure.
c) Until further orders the existing allowances in KVS shall continue
to be admissible as per the existing terms and conditions irrespective
of the revised pay scales adopted.
d) There will be no payment of arrears to the employees which will
accrue to them on account of the revision of pay as the same has been
put on hold by Ministry till additional budget allocation on this
account is made available
2. A copy of Gazette Notification No.1-2/2016-IC dated 2S.07.2016
issued by Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure as Central
Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, Memorandum No. 1-S/2016-IC
dated 29.07.2016 and OM No.
1-S/2016-IC dated 01.08.2016 are forwarded for necessary
information and guidance as (Annexure-II, III & IV) respectively.
3. Copy of Form of Option is attached as Annexure-V. The Option
shall be obtained from the employees within 03 months from the date of
issue of this letter, in duplicate. The statement of fixation of pay
under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 is attached as
Annexure-VI. The same may be prepared with reference to the pre-revised
scale and the corresponding revised Pay Matrix level as per 7thCPC, in
duplicate. Each employee has to submit an undertaking. A copy of
undertaking is attached as Annexure-VII.
4. The option for revised pay scales may be obtained in
prescribed proforma in duplicate. A copy of the same may be pasted in
the service book of the employee concerned while the other copy along
with a statement of fixation of pay as per Annexure-VI ibid may be sent
to the Finance Officer of the Region in case of Kendriya Vidyalayas and
Regional Offices for verification and approval. The Finance Officer
shall retain the copy of the option exercised by the employee along with
one copy of the statement of fixation of pay for record in his office,
while the second copy of the statement will be returned to the Vidyalaya
concerned after approval. On receipt of the statement of fixation of
pay duly verified and approved from the Finance Officer, the Principal/
Deputy Commissioner will paste the same in the service book of the
employee concerned.
S. ·Options in respect of Deputy Commissioners / Assistant
Commissioners and Administrative Officers of Regional Offices, whose
service books are maintained in the Headquarters will be sent to
Assistant Commissioner (Establishment-f) KVS Hqrs along with the
statement of fixation of pay.
6. The pay can be drawn as per revised scale for all the
teaching”and non teaching staff of KVS on the basis of pay fixation
statement without awaiting approval of the Finance Officer of Regional
Office concerned /KVS (Hqrs) in view of specific undertaking in
Annexure-VII ibid. Similar action can also be taken in case of staff of
Regional Offices.
7. Copy of this circular may be sent to all Kendriya Vidyalayas
functioning under your administrative jurisdiction for implementation
immediately under intimation to KVS (Hqrs).
The nomenclature of posts mentioned at Sr. No. 19, 20, 23 & 27 is
that of Assistant Section Officer, Senior Secretariat Assistant and
Junior Secretariat Assistant as already notified vide KVS circular
dated 26.12.2016. However, while issuing orders of pay fixation, the’
nomenclatures such as Assistant, UDC, LDC only may be used as the matter
of change of nomenclature of these posts is under examination.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Additional Commissioner (Admn.)