Comparison of Pay of Central Government Employees and Bank Employees after 10th Bipartite Wage Settlement and 7th Pay Commission Recommendations
No doubt, careers in both Central Government as well as PSU Banks are much sought after among job aspirants. Then, which one is better among these two?
It would be an effort of comparing and apples and oranges if these two are set against each. Both these careers have different service conditions and have their own merits and demerits. While Bank Employees Pay and allowances are revised every five Years, Central Government Employees are due for pay revision every ten years.
However, salary at various levels in these sectors are being compared regularly. Prior to implementation of 10th Bipartite Settlement many bank unions and individuals from banks demanded for equating salary of bank employees with that of government employees. To justify their demand they had come up with a comparison of salary of Group C & D employees in PB-1 of Central Government Service and Sub-Staff in Banks. Like wise pay and allowances of a Graduate Assistant (clerical staff) and officers in both of these organisations were also compared.
The following tables provides those comparisons (Salary before implementation of 10th Bipartite wage Settlement)
Central Govt. Staff (in Pay Band –1) | Sub-staff in Banks | |
Basic Pay | 4,860 | 5,850 |
Grade Pay | 1,800 | N I L |
Special Pay (at the minimum for bank staff) | N I L | 340 |
Total | 6,660 | 6,190 |
Dearness Allowance | 5,994 (@90%) | 5,506 (@88.95%) |
H.R.A. | 1,998 (@30%) | 619 (@10%) |
C.C.A. | N I L | N I L |
Transport Allowance | 1,140 (600+90% DA) | 225 |
Staff Welfare/Provisions | N I L | 500 |
Newspaper | N I L | 100 |
Gross Monthly salary | 15,792 | 13,140 |
Pay and Allowances | Central Govt. Graduate Assistant (in Pay Band – 2) | Clerical staff in Banks |
Basic Pay | 8,700 | 7,200 |
Grade Pay | 4,200 | N I L |
Special Pay (at the minimum for bank staff) | N I L | 500 |
Total | 12,900 | 7,700 |
Dearness Allowance | 11,610 | 6,849 |
H.R.A. | 3,870 | 770 |
Transport Allowance | 3,040 (1,600+90% DA) | 225 |
Staff Welfare/Provisions | N I L | 500 |
Newspaper | N I L | 100 |
Gross Monthly salary | 31420 | 16,144 |
Various Componentsof Monthly Pay | Central Government Officers (in Pay Band – 3 –Stage I) | Bank Officersin JMGS I |
Basic Pay | 15,600 | 14,500 |
Grade Pay | 5,400 | N I L |
Total of Basic + Grade Pay | 21,000 | 14,500 |
Dearness Allowance | 18,900(@90%) | 12,898(@88.95%) |
H.R.A. | 6,300(@30%) | 1,233(@8.5%) |
C.C.A.(Maximum@4% for bank officers) | N I L | 540 |
Transport Allowance / Monthly Conveyance | 6,080(3,200+90% DA) | 2,200(30 litres of petrol) |
Staff Welfare | N I L | 500 |
Staff Entertainment Expenses(prorata) | N I L | 300 |
Gross Monthly salary | 52,280 | 32,171 |
Present Position of Salary after implementation of 10th BPC for bank employees and release of 7th Pay Commission Report
In May 2015, IBA accpted to grant overall 15% increase in pay slip component of bank employees with effect from November 2012 which will be valid for five years.Also, we have the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission in black and white now. 7CPC has proposed an increase of 14.29% in Basic Pay alone and overall increase in Pay and allowances will be 23.55% as per Finance Ministry official press release.
Click here for 10th Bipartite Settlement for Bank Employees
Click here for official press release of Finance Ministry on 7th Pay Commission Report
Click here for 7th Joint Note for revision of Salary of Bank Officers under 10th BPS
In this background we have attempted here to compare the revised pay and allowances of Bank Employees and 7CPC proposed pay and allowances of Central Government Employees.It may please be kept mind that this exercise is merely an arithmetical comparison and the same do not advocate anything relating to conclusion that one is better than the other. As we mentioned earlier, nature of work, service conditions and intrinsic benefits involved in respect of employees of these organisations are not comparable.
Pay and Allowances as on 01.01.2016 | 7CPC proposed entry pay for PB-1 (Rs) | Sub-staff in Banks (Rs) |
Basic Pay | 18,000 | 10,535 ** |
Special Allowance – 7.75% | N I L | 817 |
Total | 18,000 | 11,352 |
Dearness Allowance | — | 4,518 (@39.80%) |
H.R.A. | 2,880 (@16%) *** | 1,053 (@10%) |
Transport Allowance | 900 *** | 425 |
Gross Monthly salary |
21,780 |
17,348 |
Pay and Allowances in 2016 | 7CPC proposed entry pay for PB-2 (Graduate Assistant and Equivalent) |
Graduate Clerical Staff in Banks |
Basic Pay | 35,400 | 13,730 ** |
Special Allowance – 7.75% | N I L | 1,064 |
Total | 35,400 | 14,794 |
Dearness Allowance | — | 5,888 (@39.80%) |
H.R.A. | 5,664 (@16%) *** | 1,373 (@10%) |
Transport Allowance | 1,800 *** | 425 |
Gross Monthly salary |
42,864 |
22,480 |
Pay and Allowances in 2016 | 7CPC proposed entry pay for PB-3 (Group-1) |
Officers in Banks (Scale-1) |
Basic Pay | 56,100 | 27,620 ** |
Special Allowance – 7.75% | N I L | 2,141 (grade pay) |
Total | 56,100 | 29,761 |
Dearness Allowance | — | 11,855 (@39.80%) |
H.R.A. | 8,976 (@16%) *** | 2,489 (@9%) |
Transport Allowance | 3,600 *** | 870 |
Gross Monthly salary |
68,676 |
44,975 |
*** HRA proposed by 7CPC for X,Y, and Z cateogory cities is 24%, 16% and 8% respectively. We have taken 16% in this case as most of Central Government Employees would be entitled for the same. Like wise, Transport Allowance rate for which most of PB-1 and PB-2 employees would be entitled to has been taken in to account.