Nationwide protest by Government employees against New Pension Scheme (NPS) on 26th November, 2018
No.A.42012/93/2018-Ad. II
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs / Grih Mantralaya
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs / Grih Mantralaya
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 01 Nov, 2018
Dated the 01 Nov, 2018
The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of DoPT’s O.M. No..33011/2(s)/ 2018-Estt. (B.II) dt 26.10.2018 on the subject mentioned above. Attention is also drawn to the instructions issued by the D/o Personnel & Training vide OM No.33012/1(s)(2008-Estt(B)(pt) dt. 14.09.2008(copy enclosed).
2. The instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Trotting prohibit Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual leave, go-slow, sit down etc. or any action that abet any form of strike which is in violation of the provisions of the CCS (Conduct) Rules. 1964. There is no statutory provision empowering the employees to go on strike. The Supreme Court has also upheld in several judgements that going on strike is a grave misconduct under the Conduct Rules and that misconduct by me government employees Is required to be dealt with in accordance with law. Any employee going on strike in any form would face the consequences which, besides deduction of wages may also include appropriate disciplinary action.
3. All the officers are requested that employees under their control be advised to scrupulously follow the provisions of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and the findings of Apex Court on the subject. No Casual leave or other kind of leave to employees is to be sanctioned, if applied for, during the period of the proposed dharna/strike.
(P.S. Dangwal)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. No.2309 2085
Source: ConfederationUnder Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. No.2309 2085