Follow These Few Easy Tips To Prevent H1N1 (Swine Flu)

The recent news about the number of swine flu (H1N1) cases on the rise in Karnataka might have left you worried. The number of cases reported from the State from the beginning of January 2017 till date seems to be almost triple of what was reported in the entire year of 2016. Well, one need not be worried. By following a few precautionary measures one can prevent the disease. So today in this article we will be explaining about a few of the easy tips to prevent H1NI. When there was an outbreak of the disease in 2009 in India it had created a panic. But now experts assert that the disease is in the community and like any other infection it can be treated successfully if certain precautionary measures are followed.  Since swine flu is basically transmitted through air droplets from the affected patient, maintaining a proper hygiene is the basic precautionary measure one should follow. Fever, headache, fatigue, sore throat and diarrhoea are a few of the symptoms of swine flu. When these symptoms tend to worsen even after 4-5 days, then one should get the test done for the swine flu virus. So how to keep yourself away from the swine flu virus? Here are a few of the easy ways to prevent the flu. Take a look. Array #1. Make it a point to wash your hands properly with soap water especially after you get back from any crowded public area. Array #2. Make it a habit to cover your face while you cough and sneeze so that you do not spread the droplets. You need to be careful especially if you are suffering from cold. Array #3. Avoid touching the surfaces like railings in the elevators in public places. Also when you get back from these places make it a point to wash your hands properly. Array #4. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes with your hands too often, as these are the major points to acquire the infection. Array #5. Make it a point to use masks that are available in the market. This helps in preventing the infection to a certain extent. Array #6. Drink lots of water and fluids. This helps to ward off the viruses that can affect you. Array #7. If you have any of the symptoms of H1N1, keep yourself indoors. It helps to prevent the infection from spreading. Array #8. If the symptoms do not subside in another 4-5 days, it is always better to consult a doctor and get the treatment done at the earliest.