Railway Budget 2016 – Minute by Minute – Prabhu starts Rail Budget speech.
Presenting his second Rail Budget in Parliament on Thursday, Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu said that the government’s core objective is to improve customer experience and generate jobs.
- Suresh Prabhu alongwith MoS Railways Manoj Sinha arrive at Parliament carrying Rail Budget 2016 documents.
- Prabhu starts Rail Budget speech.
- These are challenging times, may be the toughest, he said.
- Core obejective is to improve customer experience and generate jobs.
- Suggestions have been taken from all sections of the society.
- Its not my budget alone but reflects aspirations of common citizens of India.
- Target to restrict increase in expenses by 11.5%.
- Operating ratio of 92% is expected in 16-17.
- We will draw upon our inherit strengths.
- Navsancharchana: Revisit all processes and structures.
- Navmanak – expenses will be analysed to in crease productivity.
- Navarjan – ways to increase ways to increase revenue.
- We need to bring a new approach, a new way of working.
- Budget owes its vision to PM Narendra Modi; aims at customer friendly transport, development, and connectivity.
- RAIL system should be free of capacity constraints.
- The impact of this increase in investment on railways will be unprecedented.
- Will exploit new sources of revenue.
- We will abandon business as usual approach.
- This year’s capital plan 1.21 lkah crores.
- Rate of Cap-ex has increases exponentially.
- Co-operation, collaboration and communication, hall marks of Indian Railways journey forward.
- This year the average rate of new track laying was 7 kms per day and it will increase to 13 km per day next year.
- 2500 km of new broadgauge tracks will be commissioned.
- An implementation report on the 139 budget announcements last year been issued.
- Railways must provide to citizens a system free from capacity constraint,a system that is efficient.
- Every rupee investment in Indian Railways can impact economic output in the larger economy by a factor of 5 Vision.
- Aiming for revenues of Rs 184820 crore in 2016.
- Rs 24000 cr contracts awared since november last year.
- Railways to generate 9 crore mandays in financial year 2017-18 and 14 crore mandays in 2018-19.
- 1,600 km of electrification this year and 2,000 km in the next year are proposed.
- Expect revenue growth of over 10% this year, says Railway Minister.
- New way of funding projects introduced using institutional financing.
- Action initiated on 139 budget initiatives launched last year.
- Unmanned level crossings will be eliminated by 2020.
- Changed metric from completion to commissioning.
- Action initiated to look into the prevailing loopholes in the system.
- Delegated to the Zonal railways all tender related powers.
- 8.5 lakh crore to spent over 5 years for modernization of railway infrastructure.
- High end technology to significantly improve safety record by 2020.
- More dedicated freight corridors to accommodate the increased demand in freight transport.
- Finalised bids for two new loco plants.
- Broad guage lumdig-silchar section opened.
- Better connectivity of northeast region is of utmost importance.
- Work on Katra-Banihal section in Jammu and Kashmir progressing satisfactorily.
- Social media used for feedback and complaints redressal mechanism.
- No barrier today between a common passenger and indian railways.
- Looking forward to increase average speed of trains.
- 65000 new berths added by augumenting coaches.
- 44 new projects valued Rs. 92,714 crores to be implemented this year.
- Cabinet in historic decision allowerd JVs with states.
- Schemes being given assent in 6-8 month instead of two years to increase efficiency.
- World’s first bio-toilet introduced in Dibrugarh Rajdhani.
- Set up dedicated IVRS system to answer to queries by passengers.
- Enhanced capacity of e-ticketing system from 2000 tickets/min to 7,200/min.
- Common people has been focus of all our initiatives.
- 1,780 automatic ticket vending machines for passengers implemented.
- Bids have been invited for redevelopment oif HABAIBGANJ station. 4 more stations will be denveloped this way.
- 1,17,000 bio-toilets will be installed this year.
- Introduced wi-fi services at 100 stations this year and will be introduced in 400 more next year.
- Increasing senior citizens quota by 50%.
- Punctuality of passenger trains has been a concern for decades, initiated audit and improvement is visible.