Alagappa University M.Phil (Summer Sequential) Admission 2016

The notification for Alagappa University Karaikudi MPhil Entrance Exam 2016 has been announced. Applications are invited for admission to the following M.Phil (Summer Sequential) Programmes offered in the University Departments for the year 2016 through an entrance exam.
M.Phil Programs  
M.Phil in Tamil, English, Economics, Library & Information Science, Education, Physical Education, Commerce, Mathematics, Computer Science, Botany and Zoology

Important Dates

Last Date for Issue and Receipt of Filled-in Application Form: 12th February 2016
Date of Entrance Exam: 21st February 2016 (10.00 am to 12.00 pm, at Karaikudi centre only)

Duration of the Course

The Course shall be 45 days to be conducted in two spells of 30 days of class work and 15 days for personal discussion with the supervisors concerned, which may be during even the week end days
Classes shall commence during the first week of April

Eligibility Requirements

The candidate should have completed 10+2+3+2 year’s pattern or 11+1+3+2 year’s pattern of study; the candidate should have secured not less than 55% of marks at his/her Master’s Degree of the same or related subject. SC/ST/PWD candidates shall be given 5% relaxation in the minimum eligibility marks
The candidate shall be a Teacher/Researcher working in this University/Affiliated Colleges of this University (or) any other University (or) any other recognized School/Institution/Office with at least two years of continuous experience in teaching/research level at present

Selection Process

Selection will be based on the marks obtained in the entrance examinations and qualifying Post Graduate degree; the provisionally selected candidates will be intimated by post
All selection is provisional only until fulfillment of all eligibility and other requirements

Entrance Exam Pattern

Entrance Exam in Multiple Choice Questions pattern will be held on the prescribed date for all M.Phil, Summer Sequential Programs offered by the University
All candidates whose applications are in order will have to take the entrance exam which will be conducted at Karaikudi

How to Apply

Application Form can also be downloaded from the Website
Applications can be obtained from the Registrar, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003 on payment of the cost of the application, Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- SC/ST candidates (on production of attested copy of Community Certificate) through a crossed DD drawn in favour of "The Registrar, Alagappa University", payable at Karaikudi
University will issue Hall Tickets
For further details, visit our website or 04565-223111

Alagappa University, Karaikudi

(A State University Re-accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC), Karaikudi-630003 (Tamilnadu), Tel.: 04565-228080-95, Email:, Website